Showing posts with label Historic assholery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Historic assholery. Show all posts

Jan 18, 2011

Haiti Cheri

The teevee pundits are all over themselves wondering why Baby Doc came home.  The dunderheads. Two simple explanations cover it.

1. He's run through what he stole prior to 1986 and needs to replenish the numbered accounts.

2. Not even the French could stand him anymore.


And isn't it weird to think that if the cheering throngs who greeted him at Port au Prince put him back in power, it might represent an improvement on what those poor bastards have suffered in past  quarter century?

Jan 10, 2011

Mental health

Analogies prove nothing.

With that out of the way, let the debate about who's mentally ill and who's not tip its hat to an historical  observation.

In the fullest flowering of 20th Century tyranny -- Hitler's perhaps excepted -- a favored method of  of human control was to dump inconvenient people into psychiatric hospitals, Lubyankas with white-coated attendants.

May 5, 2009

The Gentle, Selfless Liberal Tradition

In 1896 William Jennings Bryan declared we would not crucify mankind  on a cross of gold, whateverthehell that actually meant.  Then he went on a victory* tour and by 1899 was commanding huge fees. Interesting that his terms were somewhat illiberal, though not  surprising to those who have made a study of the hypocrisy of the sanctimonious  left.

Never mind that U.S. currency was gold-backed in those days. 

Kum Ba Yah.

* He was celebrating only his personal celebrityhood, a wiser population in those days denying anything more to the demagogic rabble rousers.