A writer for The Nation says Israel's retaliation against the Quassad rockets from Gaza G.W. Bush's "last and final war crime."
That's like PETA yapping "atrocity" when you swat a fly.
All Bush did was refuse to stand in Israel's way and remark that the Gazoids swung first. If that's war crime I'll kiss your butts on the Capitol steps Jan. 20, soon as Obama draws the crowd.
It's a good illustration of jihad against reasoned use of language. Israel may be accused of folly, cruelty, undue machoism, and other sins without leaving the realm of reason, and the same applies to folks who care to substitute terms like wisdom and forebearance. You can reasonably debate any of that.
But if we let nitwits con us into accepting "war crime" to denominate Bush's Gaza response, what sort of term do we have in reserve for, say, Bataan, Nanking, Manilla, Dachau?
Examples abound. For instance, I hear every new offering from bands grownups never heard of called "awesome." If so, what adjective might be used to describe the Second Coming?
And that's why I didn't call The Nation writer a lame-brained idiotic slug. Gotta hold something back for writing about Pelosi and Limbaugh.