Aug 13, 2009

His Holiness Rick Santorum

Santorum is bringing his sanctified self to my state this fall. He claims it's just a howdy-do visit and has nothng to do with the sweet strains of Hail to the Chief coursing through his aural equipment.

Rick, I can't be there. That's the week I Armor-All the lawnmower tires. Besides, I've pretty much decided not to support anyone who routinely reminds me he has God's unlisted number.

Aug 11, 2009

Town Hall

She's an English teacher in New Hampshire and she decided to slip the President a softie: "If we had better mental health care, what would our society be like?"

And His Obamaness lacked the wit and the truthfulness to respond: "Well, there would certainly be a different kind of people in public office."

Aug 9, 2009

Self awareness

You're a gun freak so all your ice picks have been converted to firearms assembly aides by bending them into weird shapes. So you abuse a knife in order to chip ice for a couple of Sunday Cuba libres.

This post comes with an added bonus attraction

Aug 8, 2009

Gun pron and good guys

Kevin reports that the good guys have outflanked the hoplophobic FeyPal, meaning you can enter the raffle for a dandy 1911 clone on line. The details are at The Smallest Minority, where you'll also find some graphic images of a Para in various stages of dress. Viewer discretion is advised.

So is buying a ticket or two. It's a Soldier's Angels project.