A European sorting his nuts and bolts and wrenches is engaging in only the most rudimentary forms of thought --
eight millimeters comes before nine millimeters so this goes here. (Places wrench appropriately.) Indeed,
Diane Fossey's buddies could do as well.
An American engaged in rationalizing his workshop is a tour de force of complex calculation. Lessee, the 5/8 is here so I need a the 11/16 on the next peg, no, wait, i probably better save room for the 21/32 I use on the Kubota thurble bypass and....
Maybe that's why as kids we could always pick up a little change following Brit sports car down the road, collecting parts.
It's little wonder that dullard Europe is defined as that place which screws things up badly every generation or two and whistles for Uncle to come on across the Atlantic and pull its metric nuts out of the fire.
I am typing this with greasy fingers, by jingo.