Sep 7, 2009

Dang! And Free Whiskey!

By actual count it has been 22 days since TMR laid a 2x4 between the eyes of the man who at the moment occupies the office of President of the United States. I agree with you that this is unforgivable.

I'll listen in tomorrow as he lectures his captive audience of public school inmate-educatees. I understand he has been shamed out of telling them to write themselves a letter ruminating on what each could do to "help President Obama." So I'll be watching for an identical message couched in other words.

And, by the way, I am announcing the First Occasional TMR Liberty Prize. This one goes to the first history teacher credibly reported to this blog as having created and used a related lesson to follow the Obama speech -- reviewing history's official personality cults, including but not limited to Mao, Stalin, Hitler, the KorCom Kims, and the ayatollahs.

The prize is a fifth of Wild Turkey, and I ain't kidding.

EDIT: Times being what they are, and the national literacy level being what it is, I suppose this is necessary: We are referring here to a metaphorical 2x4, and TMR recommends against initiating physical violence against any person, including those who, at any given moment, occupy the office of President of the United States. The jug of Wild Turkey offer, however, remains decidedly literal.

Sep 6, 2009

How to buy a gun by mail order:

Sign this. Send it along with your order.

I am a citizen of the United States, over 21 years old, of sound mind, not a drug addict, not a habitual drunkard, not a fugitive from justice. I am not under indictment for a crime punishable by a year or more imprisonment. I have never been convicted of a crime of violence. There is no law in my state, county, or city that prohibits this order being shipped.

Date____________ Signed_________________________

The date had to be before the 1968 Panicked-Over-Guns Act, in other words, during the era of American history when the default condition of government was one of trusting its citizens.

(H/T again to Turner Kirkland. RIP)

The Courteous Dixie Gun Works

What a gray world we've become since the days when Turner Kirkland was in his prime. I just ran across one of his 1967 Dixie Gun Works catalogs. On the kraft mailing envelope is:

"Dear Postman: This Fascinating Catalog has cost our customer $1.00. Please deliver with HASTE and ACCURACY."

Imagine. A time of quaint and touching confidence in the efficacy of polite language.

Turner could also send you a modern gun via Railway Express.

Sep 5, 2009

Black Hills Rancher

I don't know if Jinglebob carries openly, but he is the dead-certain cinch to be the only blogger I know who could walk into the general store with a .45 Peacemaker on his his hip and appear 100 per cent natural -- as if buckling on was as routine as buttoning the shirt.

Besides, he slings a mean camera and can handle a dutch oven.

Welcome to the blogroll.