Oct 13, 2009


Autumn yields to winter in the high
country of the northern Wasatch range.

(Southeast Idaho, October 2009)

Oct 11, 2009

Montana 2

Sacajawea, and so-spelled on the inscription with no revisionist "gaw" vulgarity.

This is one of the more moving representations I have seen. Bird Woman is depicted without contrived heroism, shown simply as a human dealing competently with the circumstances imposed by life.

The child is Pomp, probably the son of Pierre Charbonneau, a mixed-blood fur trader and guide. Beloved by Captain Clark, he would go on to frequent royal halls of Europe but return to live out his life on the American frontier.

Livingston, September, 2009

EDIT: The work is by Mary Michael of Bridger, Montana.


"If I could live away from the sea, I would live in Montana," John Steinbeck, "Travels with Charlie."

The Yellowstone near Livingston, September 2009.

Oct 10, 2009