Feb 9, 2010

After a certain point, one snow picture looks pretty much like another, but as a matter of record here is the Transient Officers Quarters structure, which also houses the Base Maintenance and Administration detachments, at Camp J. The scene was recorded on February 9, 2010 just as the most recent 6-8 inch snowfall ended.

Some of the natural drifts approach six feet. My crack meteorology squad measures an average depth on the flat of about 36 inches. Allowing for compaction and two days of slight melting, I estimate total local snowfall for the season well north of four feet. And this allows nothing for the two layers of ice, totaling perhaps an inch, sandwiched between the snow-event strata.

Please note the calm and measured tone of this report. I have not babbled. I have not sobbed. I have not even said (eff-word) winter. I consider this a major victory over self.

Frank Magid, RIP

We should note the passing of Frank Magid, the Iowa "consultant" almost single-handedly responsible for the demise of journalism on television and the substitution of happy talk news.

He became rich by understanding that numbskulls vastly outnumber smart people and advising television stations (and later networks) on how to win the maximum number of fools to the nightly newscasts. He did it with "surveys." He asked viewers if anchor Jane was prettier than anchor Jill. He had folks discuss whether Dan really looked nicer in a sweater .

The sum total of his recorded wisdom about news broadcast content was: "If any story runs more than one minute, the Russians had better be in New York Harbor."

It worked, and the advertisers loved it. This explains things like "L'Oreal, because you're worth it."

Frank, not to speak ill of the dead, and I appreciate that lunch back in the '70s, but you have one Hell of a lot to answer for.

Feb 8, 2010

Jocko's Doc


We could save a lot of ink and air time and general exasperation among the literate classes by suspending the relevant Constitutional provisions for 30 minutes, declaring him guilty by acclamation, fining him 50 bucks, and handing him a carton of Luckies on his way down the court house steps. When the Founding Document is restored, leaders should talk up the stuff against double jeopardy.

Ah so, Toyada-san, Part Three

This WSJ writer will not be invited to the Cherry Blossom Bash in Kamakura.

(H/T to my buddy Anne of The Valley)