Feb 22, 2010

Tam has ferreted out one of the latest California stupidities, and her shootin' buddy comments:

The problem is that we have lawyers dealing with social problems. Lawyers will always seek to copy laws that were "successful" in other areas and apply this via analogy to the current problem.

If you think about it hard enough, that doesn't leave all that much else to be said.

N.B. -- I'm sure SB would exempt your occasional barrister such as my pal who sometimes comments here and who is as quick as anyone to mock stupid over-reaching legislation.

Feb 21, 2010

Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, and Sarah Palin -- in that order

But I wouldn't get my libertarian gonads in a steamy state if I were y'all. Ron Paul is a figure of fun even when he wins as he did today when young conservative activists straw polled themselves at the CPAC convention. Politico sneered:

Paul’s victory renders a straw poll that was already lightly contested among the likely 2012 GOP hopefuls all but irrelevant, as the 74-year-old Texan is unlikely to be a serious contender for his party’s nomination.

Paul earned 31 per cent; Romney 22, Palin 7.

Politico goes on: "CPAC organizers were plainly embarrassed by the results, which could reduce the perceived impact of a contest that was once thought to offer a window into which White House hopefuls were favored by movement conservatives. A spokesman for the conference rushed over to reporters after the announcement to make sure they had heard the unmistakable boos when the screen first showed Paul had won the straw poll."

It appears that the organizational leaders of "movement conservatives" fear the idea of free markets, honest money, and limited government just as much as the barmiest of Barack Obama's statists.

Straw polls don't amount to a bowl of horse apple pudding, but, still, it is pleasant to see the good doctor so well thought of -- and to panic the movement's conservative arses who are still bemoaning the loss of Tammy Faye's subtlety and Jimmy Swaggert's singular leadership.

Feb 20, 2010

Recent acquisition (2)

I once mentioned that my bookseller of choice is Goody O'Will, and yesterday he treated me particularly well. All hardbacks are always 75 cents, and there was no exception for this one which has been opened exactly three times, I believe. Once when Bob inscribed it. Once when I glanced at the flyleaf in Goody's. Once when I shot it.

(It goes with Bob 's cloth escape map of Japan and nearby Russia found at his estate sale, along with three or four original aerial bombing photos of Tokyo and Sasebo -- unpriced because the estate sale professionals didn't know what they were. A $10 offer was accepted.)

I know you may consider it extravagant to blow six bits during the current national financial crisis. But remember, the alternative is a CD paying a Clinton/Bush/Obama mandated .01 per cent interest.

Recent acquisition

Even nonlethal retrotechnology can be beautiful. This $2 example followed me home from a recent auction. It was a hot item for its time, with a fast f6.3-f32 lens, and three speeds (25 - 50-100) plus B and T on the shutter. Most of the old Kodak folders are plentiful and cheap, but I decided to give this one shelf space because of its condition -- mint. It may never have had a roll of film loaded. I'll look at it for a while, then announce its availability in barter for a modest something that might shoot lead.

It was an amateur camera, but not nearly so amateurish as the three-volt cockroach I just used to photograph it.

For retrogeeks: Kodak Vigilant six-20; Kodak Anastigmat f : 6. 3 105mm; Kodak No. 1 Diomatic

(Did you ever notice how much easier it is to keep a blog active by posting a picture and BSing about it? I mean, like, y'know, compared to thinking up an important topic and analyzing it with great care?)