1. A silly basement project mated a breech-plugged octagon Winchester .38-40 barrel to a bolt-action receiver I couldn't identify. The bolt assembly was cobbled to fire the percussion cap. The tube had been bored out to something like .50. The mess was held together by what I suspect was a whittled-on Model 70 stock. I wanted to bring it home and give it warm milk, but passed due to price, $140.
2. A beautiful Remington 1903A3 appeared unissued, and I stuck around to a little more than $500. It brought $650.
3. A decent little Stevens Crack Shot brought $150, and I kick myself for not making the eventual buyer pay a little more.
4. A Remington 514 sported the best metal I've noticed on one of those since they quit making them in 1971, almost mint. Unfortunately the stock suffers from an old kitchen table varnish job. It's flaking, and I plan a careful hour with fine steel wool. At $85 a no-brainer.
The others were shotguns, a 16 ga. Model 12 semi- junker at $400+ and a newish Benelli pump so ugly I flirted with the concession girl while it was selling.
Overall: stupid crowd.