Apr 26, 2010

Idle reflection

How much richer would the United States be if it were able to send a few million of its least productive citizens, especially including those with criminal tendencies, one nation north?

(Easy, there, Neighbor. I don't advocate it. Just thinking.)

Apr 25, 2010

Arizona and the Illegals

I've just told an Arizona friend I probably would have signed the immigration bill myself if it had been up to me. At the same time my skin crawls at the notion of "Your papers! Kuh vickly!")

There is no answer, seek it lovingly.

Eugenics -- some preliminary problems

Is there doubt in any one's mind that the number of human beings on Earth already exceeds, or very soon will exceed, (a) its comfortable physical carrying capacity and (b) our human ability to humanely manage our civilizations?

It is almost impossible to talk about it. Powerful churches continue to insist that every act of intercourse embrace the opportunity for another human being. Their political henchmen/exploiters carry the concept over into the civil arena. The word itself, eugenics, automatically recalls the horror of Hitler's mad philosophies made manifest.

The demonization of the term Eugenics parallels the term "liberal" which classically describes today's libertarian but in current usage denotes his statist opposite.

As a start might we begin to soften the word and entertain the notion that human happiness and the chance for human survival will be enhanced if we can discover an acceptable way of reducing population?

Apr 24, 2010

Loopholing in the rain

The stars line up nicely today. Welcome rain gives me an excuse to ignore outside work, and the folks over in Worthington have organized a c. 70-table loophole assembly. Two fellow conspirators are joining me, and I have cleaned the detritus from the van to allow plenty of room in case we find ourselves in a mood to loophole on large scale.

This is the one that tends to draw a high proportion of hobbyists with boxes of interesting stuff. I think it's the place where I scored a big handful of GI 1911 parts a year ago.