It is now the law in Fremont, Nebraska that you must obtain a license to rent a place to live. Washington refuses to do the job right, so a fed-up small town is goaded into doing it wrong.
Lawyers from Fremont to K Street are starting their meters, and the ACLU is in the act. The Civil Liberties Union does some excellent work, but it is also capable of missing the the point like a Top Shot reject. On the Fremont decision:
"Not only do local ordinances such as this violate federal law, they are also completely out of step with American values of fairness and equality," said Laurel Marsh, executive director of ACLU Nebraska.
Laurel, "American values of fairness and equality" is a wobbly chair to stand on. Once upon a not so distant time, lynching black men for looking at white women was within American values of fairness and equality .
Besides, we have heard so much pseudo -patriotic cant that we are immune. The Fremont law is vulnerable on Constitutional grounds, and that is enough for you to say.