Dec 15, 2010

My second day of Christmas

It's hard to be snarky when wrapping Christmas gifts. This one goes to a good lad who shows  interest in small arms; I decided he should at least be aware of St. Ackley.

Probably the first Christmas card of my very own.

 Dec. 4, 1944

  "Dear Jimmie ... Merry Christmas and Love, Uncle Amzie"  
(Corporal, AUS, combat engineer)

Dec 13, 2010


A federal judge says the federal government does not have the authority to require  you to buy health insurance.  That element of Obamacare is, therefore, unconstitutional.

The pleasure here has nothing to do with health care, and little with Obamacare.

Break out the Templeton Rye and toast U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson of Richmond for simply pronouncing what should be a self-evident truth: There are some things governments have no privilege  to do.

Dec 12, 2010

Maybe my mind does work weird.

The good man at Random Acts of Patriotism publishes a nice take on the TSA boys eye-raping Donna D'Errico, and a quite different image comes to me.

Janet Napolitano in a little black dress, oozing her way to the front of the security line, stage whispering,  "Me. Me. Probulate Me. Please."

So sue me.

Cheated Death Again

It was brutal, but the practical effect on me was about 36 hours of enforced sloth. We're now behind the blizzard --  in garish sunshine, in the middle of one of those huge mid-continent high-pressure systems that portend days of sub-zero annoyance.

Never mind.  It keeps out the riff-raff.

Paul appeared at 10 a.m. on his sturdy International Harvester M, and  my lane  is   now passable. As Jinglebob reminded  us yesterday, it is good to live in a place where "neighbor"  is still a meaningful word.