Aug 19, 2011

Back to the future

No political party holds the patent on absolute brain-dead goofiness. Michele offers us two-dollar gasoline, details not quite worked out yet.

In 1972, candidate George McGovern offered every citizen of the Republic $1,000 cash money, details not quite worked out. 'course, George had an excuse. Backing Tom Eagleton 1,000 per cent ate up a lot of his time.

Aug 18, 2011

Really, kids, you hadn't oughtta do that

In general, I oppose vandals. But sometimes they pluck a sympathic note on my heart strings.

Down in our capital city the politicians bought the cops a robotic camera  lashup to collect more speed tax administratively, that is, without all that pesky due-process-of-law crap.

It's in a van, and t'other night somebody egged the windshield in an apparent effort to block the camera view.

No suspects, but if they're caught I suggest they be sentenced to windex the glass and promise not to get caught repeating the offense.  Their court records should be expunged if they aren't again caught throwing eggs at robots for 12 consecutive hours.

Hey guys, let's all go build another nation

If there's a marching club dedicated to chanting anti-Assad slogans, sign me up. He's a brutal tyrant who murders his subjects, and someone should shoot back. That someone ought to be a Syrian.

The new U.S.."sanctions" against Syria won't work very well.  When have they ever, anywhere?

So we can assume Hillary's mouthing of Obama's latest contribution to Mid-East warfare this morning are warnings that we're gassing up a Seal team, a squadron of Cobra's,  and an MEU or two.  The  background message is: "Leave or die, President Assad, because you shoot down your own people."

If nothing else,  this fails the  fairness test. After all, I don't recall the ruling Assad family demanding the resignation of American presidents for shooting down their subjects. (cf. Bush I/Ruby Ridge and Clinton/Waco).

No, no moral equivalence is suggested, but it's an interesting thing to keep in mind as the U.S. foreign policy apparatus ratchets up the possibility that we'll find ourselves bombing wogs in still another sandy country.


Oceania has always been at war with Mideastasia.