I await arrival of the house-sitter and her irritable German shepherd.
The pile of shootie stuff is stowed in the camper. It will be my first gun show presence as a "vendor" in quite a while.
The quotation marks around "vendor" are used advisedly. More accurately stated it is an enthusiast who let things get out of hand and desires to clear out a few more-or-less "parts" rifles, trade one dandy Winchester 88 in .284 for more militant types of iron, and, most importantly, shed about three cubic feet of goodies. Things like vintage taxidermy supplies, a Flaubert lock, A Winchester '06 bolt, dies for calibers I've permanently abandoned, an old Herter's press.
If you're a pack-rat gunny, you'll understand. You acquire and acquire when prices are right. Or when you've taken temporary leave of your senses. Every few years you reach a decision point. You either put up a Morton building or peddle stuff.
Of course, there's always the danger of further acquisition at any loophole, regardless of what side of the table you're on. A man of strong resolve and sterling character can resist. I'll let you know how I do.
Note to self: Don't forget the black Sharpie.