Nov 22, 2009

Happy Brithday to Me

TheTMR is a year old today.

Nov 21, 2009


The November morning sunlight at 43 and a half degrees north is a limpid thing, watery, like lemonade overly diluted. It's one of the real tocsins of winter, the sort of air to make a fellow wonder if he really laid in enough split oak for a long season.

A positive attitude is necessary. Just 30 days to the winter solstice, Then the light strengthens day-by-day, and official spring is but three months off.

Today will help. High in the 50s and fair skies are more than we expect when Thanksgiving is hard at hand.

Nov 19, 2009

Unlicensed squeegees just suck.

I'm afraid I must insist

that you go immediately and read the work of the lady Kevin was quoting. (See previous post here.) Be certain to check the third comment on Patricia's spoof. It proves that P.J. O'Rourke, while correct, was too parochial when he wrote, "The defining trait of the American left is sanctimony." He should have added, "Canada's too."