Mar 24, 2011

A bed-sheet boogie

A guy named John Paul Rogers is running for mayor of Lake Wales, Florida. He's a Democrat and a former KKK grand dragon. He says he should get a pass on the latter fact because, "... "Well I resigned years ago, about 30 years ago. Jesus said, 'He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone,' and so far no one's hit me with a rock."

You just ain't met the right feller yet.  Duck, you bastard.


H/T to Kurt who notes this clown was getting love from the media until some Republican called him out.

Dognitive dissonance

New Dog Libby realizes her crucial role as watchpup, alert for zoning administrators and similar vermin.
She is less adept at understanding scrap lumber as kindling rather than chew toys.

Hillary the Wise

The wires this morning carry in mournful detail  the refusal of our Arab allies to give us a hand in Libya. Also, they inform us, the war continues and our European pals of the "coalition" are still having a great time watching Uncle lifting the heavy end.

But leave it to Mrs.Clinton to point out the clear and shining path to peace and victory:

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said order could be resolved quickly — if Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi would just quit.

Is that great geopolitical analysis or what?

Mar 23, 2011

I probably won't go, but...

After more than three decades of emotional controversy  on a scale otherwise reserved for Roe vs. Wade, the Iowa Senate has voted to permit mourning dove hunting.  It will probably become law.

Average wing shots will thus be able to kill and eat this tasty little bird for an estimated  cost of about $13 per ounce of meat-on-the-platter if they reload.

For the antis who learned all they know about wildlife biology from Walt Disney, it is the coo de grace.