Feb 11, 2012

Oh it's brother Jimmy's turn to throw the bomb

Well, heck. I've thought of myself all these years as a simple libertarian, friendly, not too bullheaded about my ideas,  just a regular live-and-let-live guy who would shoot you only as a last resort.

Rigorous testing by the authoritative Christian Science Monitor reveals the black truth. 

File:Anarcho-capitalist flag.svg

You are an anarcho-capitalist.

You have sailed right past Paul's hard-nosed libertarianism and off into the uncharted waters of right-wing anarchism. You would be most happy living on a private island that you have declared a sovereign state, which, needless to say, won't be seeking to join the UN anytime soon..


So be it. (The warmer the island and its nubility, the better.)

Feb 9, 2012

The Wisdom of Leonard Nimoy

Heather Mc Hugh, poet, writes:

"Once, on meeting Leonard Nimoy and his wife, I was gratified to find out...how literate they are. He advised me on the pronunciation of some words in the expression Alle Kunst ist umsunst Wenn ein Engel auf das Zundloch brunzet (which covers a multitude of sins and means something like: all skill is in vain if an angel pisses down the touch-hole of your musket."

(Via snail mail from my old pal Janna.)

Feb 8, 2012

Toward a badder Constitution

I would take a stab at  Ruth Bader-Ginsberg's lust to simply scrap the Constitutuon and replace it with one like, for  instance, Mexico's. But ASM826 -- Random Acts of Patriotism --  has pretty well nailed it.  Recommended reading.

Heckler and Kock malfs

Maybe the H&K geniuses sold too many plastic P30s to Greece, nothing down, pay as you shoot.

Or maybe something else made Moody's cut the HK credit rating to to Caa2/negative outlook. In English, that means buying into HK is about as safe as loaning money to your brother-in-law who plans to get rich with a Peoria worm farm.


The same link gets you to the latest on Smith& Wesson's most recent rifle recall.

Any wonder some of us still prefer steel weapons built before Doris Day became a virgin?