Jan 23, 2013

Hillary in the dock

I want to be perfectly fair. There's a situation in my neighborhood so I saw only the briefest snippets of Hillary explaining the greatest significance of four dead Americans -- her employees -- in Benghazi. (That is, they primarily illustrate the need for the blameless Hillary to take over from His Ineptness in 2017.)

Responding to McCain, she played into some unfortunate stereotypes and set the women's equality movement back about 30 years. If she has to testify again she should be given a door to slam.

Simple foot-stomping didn't seem to be enough for her to make her point.

Jan 22, 2013

This is why we all love Brigid:

As  kid I thought about being a medical doctor  I loved science, had no problems dissecting Mr. Toad (though the teacher did NOT buy in on the slightly eaten lemon drop placed in the abdominal cavity as a "new organ!"). 

Mali: The next great American adventure

Reuters drops the big secret this morning. If France wants to send some French  soldiers adventuring in Mali, it calls Uncle Sam.

"PARIS (Reuters) - The United States has started transporting French soldiers and equipment to Mali as part of its logistical aid to French forces fighting Islamist militants in the north of the country, a U.S. official said on Tuesday."

Two points:

This can send a fellow's mind skittering across the past 99 years of American history. He's thinking of all the wars, beginning with Black Jack Pershing's anti-Kaiser campaign and continuing through our "lend-lease" to Churchill, to Vietnam, and the various bloody Sand Box errors. You try to think of U.S. overseas wars which did not begin with benign "logistical aid."  Not many. "It's only money folks. We ain't agonna put even one American boy in harm's way." *

And because our client this time is la Belle France, the same fellow is likely to recall a certain arrogance of late  20th Century Paris. "F--k no you can't fly your evil, imperialistic planes through our air space."


*There a difference this time. In most of the other crusades we owned the money we gave away. Here in 2013, we'll need to secure an increase in our MasterCard limit. Call Peking.

Jan 21, 2013

Lifting hair at the gun shows

A mega-gun show happened in Phoenix this weekend, and my friend John of the GMA attended, noting prices with a glazed amazement.

John can reduce complexity to its essentials -- make six words worth 10,000 pictures.

"Somebody needs to get a grip."
