Jan 30, 2009

Hunger in America

I almost never eat breakfast.

Today I can't eat breakfast. It would gnarl my healer's skivvies. His chief vampire will suck my blood at 9:30 a.m. Having breakfast would "skew the lab results."  

Ergo my entire being this morning is consumed with lust for two over medium, a slab of that nice ham fried in bacon grease, hash browns, coffee with sugar and heavy whipping cream, and toast with butter.


Farm.Dad said...

aint blood sugar and blood draws a bitch lol .

Btw came here from Tam on another post but commented on this one as it hits close to home .

Jim said...

Yep. I donate only when my healer gets personally and loudly exasperated. He has a weak heart, so I try to humor him.

I toughed it out until Dracula was satisfied, thought about stopping at a down-home cafe, decided they wuldn't put enough butter in the pan. So I came straight home for a self-serve grease job, and I felt good all day.