A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. And when an artesian well pops up in the driveway AND registers on a man's water meter, a man's gotta dig. With luck, the first hole hits the leak. When stars misalign, a second hole is necessary.
Water is now restored to the Commandant's quarters.
Puttering is to resume forthwith.
Water? What the hell is that?
Oh, man, just look at that soil!
Humus Envy.
More like lack-of-caliche envy. Looks like easy digging. A strong lad like yourself should have found it an easy half-hour's shovelling. Aren't you ashamed of yourself for hiring out something you could have easily done yourself?
John, you've forgotten your roots. Remember how deep we need to bury water lines up here in the sub-tundra zone? We ain;t like zonies who just string 'em along the ground and let the blowiing dust cover them up.
That black dirt, by the way, went for eight feet before giving way to yellow clay. That's amazing, even for here, even considering this wooded ridge has never been cultivated.
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