Jan 3, 2010

Sunday Sermon

It occurs to me that what passes for American conservatism is simply the theology of His Obamaness covering its hairy cowl with a slightly different surplice.

We are still infested with the spawn of Pat Robertson and Jimmy Swaggert. Send prayer money, vote against abortion, bash a few homos, and your heavenly reservations are confirmed. Celestial joy is yours just as soon as you die.

Obama promises identical bliss, only terrestial. Hand your treasure and your freedom up to the Sacred City of Washington. Eventually, when all comply, the blessings of Heaven will occur right here on Earth, and it will happen just as soon as you die.

An authoritarian is an authoritarian, and one demagogic snake oil peddler smells like any other. No matter whether he chooses to stomp you from the left or from the right.


Tam said...

Ah lurve yoo!


(WV="slumbl" As in "Wanna go slumbling?")

Jim said...

(Your author, ears red, staring fixedly at left foot, digging toes of right foot aimlessly in the dust.)

Awwww. Does this mean I get to carry your range bag sometimes?
