Sep 9, 2010

Only in SUX

Sioux City folks announce this year's Kingdom of Riverssance.

It's a festival  down by the river -- the Big Sioux or the  Missouri, don't  know or care which. 

As  a public service I report a suspicion that  "Riverssance" is a Chamber of Commerce guy's brainstorm. "Hey, y'know, Riverssance, like we combine river and renaissance, y'know."

And everyone on the committee  agrees it is a really fun name.

Blecchh. SUX


Jim said...

Is there a warning against smelling the granite in a cow pasture?

I wonder if I ever encouraged you and your brother to read Ed Newman's "Strictly Speaking."

Sioux City Belly Dancer said...

Yeah, the name is lame, but it's not too bad of an event. I've gone the last few years and had fun.