Jan 5, 2011

Bigger and Dumber

Roberta is doing a nice little riff on the Goldwater/Reagan line, "A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have."

Recalling an Iowa story from about five years back.

State law at that time permitted slot-like gambling devices about everywhere, and a few of them turned up in ice cream shops and the like, prompting a holy outcry about teaching our children to gamble away their lunch money.

The gambling interests, however thug-like the breed may be, followed the law and invested millions in the machines. The political storm moved the governor to call for banning them everywhere, leaving that segment of the gambling industry twisting in the wind.

The guv's most cogent public comment on the matter was, "The Government giveth and the government taketh away."

Such pearls of wisdom elevated him to high national office where he is now the man in charge of takething away your money and givething it  to the likes of Monsanto, the Farm Bureau and assorted other ag interests hiding behind the sacred purity of the American family farmer.

I suppose it is okay, though, because as previously reported by the TMR, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack developed unimaginable agricultural expertise growing cherry tomatoes in a five-gallon bucket on his deck when he was mayor of Mount Pleasant.

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