Jan 16, 2011

Sunday Mission

It isn't usually this bad, although it will never win a New Yankee Workshop award for compulsive neatness. Too many late fall projects -- plus the tendency to toss stuff into the shop just because I can't immediately think of a better idea -- have left it in this chaos. I couldn't put my hand on a  two-inch C clamp if my life depended on it. 

And so to work. The Knipco is drinking kerosene, and in a few minutes it should be warm enough to turn to out there.

If I post an "after" picture today, you'll know I was diligent. If not, you can ask me which book I decided I must read immediately.


JohnW said...

So, what book did you read?

Jim said...

Frederick Forsyth, "Icon" from 1996. (Not up to his early stuff, but the man remains a master of the "big" plot.)

The sloth wasn't total. I was interrupted in mid-job and never got back to it.

Today? Maybe, but a a 2-degree high means burning one Hell of a lot of kerosene to keep thumbs opposable.

ASM826 said...

The C clamps are on the top shelf at the back of the shop in the left corner.