Feb 20, 2011

Dang, can't remember if it's the Year of the Turtle

While the Wisconsin teachers continue their collective tantrum, a bunch of Iowa "educators" is heading for a nice vacation  conference in China. The news report glaringly neglects  to say who's paying, but it's a safe enough bet that they're not dipping into their own pedagogical pockets.

Local radio permits one of the teachers to explain the purpose:

“Everybody participates in a group and comes up with different projects to do, trying to flatten our world so that we can show the kids that we’re all just people,” (says Lisa Schaa, of Stratford Elementary School).

This tends to explain the Huckabee win in our most recent presidential caucuses.

1 comment:

Joel said...

It's always the year of the turtle. It's turtle all the way down.

Seriously, look it up. It's in all the latest public school textbooks.