Apr 13, 2011

His Obamaness Speaks.

I thought the speech was cute; "cute" in the '50s sense of a well-crafted scam to con  a naif into giving you money.

Yes, restoring U.S. solvency -- if possible at all -- will require new net revenue. It is the the adjective "net" which queers the Obama deal. Is there a soul alive who doesn't understand that the sworn duty of politicians is to keep sucking so they can spend whatever it takes to buy your vote?

It is as though the lawmakers and all their pals view our intelligence as a silly virgin with a self-regenerating hymen.


(A Chuck Grassley release after the speech plausibly claims that, over the past few decades, each one dollar of new federal revenue, has been seen as a license for $1.17 in spending. Compound that a few times, Bunkie.)

1 comment:

Joel said...

It is as though the lawmakers and all their pals view our intelligence as a silly virgin with a self-regenerating hymen.

Why shouldn't they think that? Too many voters have behaved just that way for too many years. When the left bastard pisses them off they vote in the right bastard, who pisses them off so they vote in the left bastard. Repeat, and continue failing to notice that nothing ever actually changes in spite of infinite promises to the contrary. After a while it's hard to blame the parasites for behaving as if it works for them - it does.