May 24, 2011

Thugs getting a little more timid, maybe?

The AP manages to get through it's ~600-word story about the continuing crime-rate decline without a mention of guns. It quotes the experts as being especially surprised   that crime rates continued to fall during the  2009-2010 economic disaster.  It is a statist article of faith that crime rises when the economy tanks.

The unmentioned factor is widespread relief from overbearing gun laws in the same period and the concomitant increase in the number of citizens capable of resisting criminals.

There are exceptions to the more peaceable atmosphere, New York City, for instance, where homicides rose 13 per cent. No one here needs to be reminded that law-abiding New Yorkers are subject to the Sullivan law which restricts effective gun use to criminals.


Correlation is not causation, of course, but a reader could  think it worth mentioning that goblins contemplating mayhem could have second thoughts if they knew their victims might whip out  a persuasive deterrent in, preferably, caliber .38  or larger.

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