May 19, 2011

Charges of public intoxication, disorderly conduct and simple assault were filed against a Des Moines woman on Wednesday after she allegedly yelled at neighbors and tossed a cat at them from a balcony.

Clearly, this illustrates the need for common-sense cat control. One cat a month. Small, easily concealable cats sold only after background check and waiting period. Assault cats limited to police and the military only.

And certainly Washington should close the cathouse loophole.


JohnW said...

Is simple assault with a cat a feliney?

Jim said...

And you grumped at me for coo de grace on the dove-slaughter law?

CiCi said...

I wandered over to your blog because of the blog name. My hubby and I are Travis McGee readers too. I will check out your posts.

Jim said...

Welcome. It's a mishmash. Dogs. Women with Clothes On. Pre-plastic firearms. A flashlight pointed at people who hate liberty. What TMR lacks in focus it often make up for in obscurity. :)

Anyway, always nice to say hi to a new pal.