Jun 22, 2011

It's nice to be nice, but sometimes it's nicer to have a gun

The lady at the Kum and Go counter in Humboldt tried to be pleasant to the robber that night. He wanted smokes and cash. She handed them over. So he shot her dead.

He was in practice. An hour earlier he killed a another nice lady at an Algona convenience store. 

Of course this makes me think of a fellow luckier than the two unarmed convenience store clerks. That good citizen forgot to obey his employer's (Walgreen's) Compromise Policy. His punishment was less permanent.  

'course, the Humboldt/Algona killer kid (17) had a pretty good excuse. Earlier in his recent adventures he had swiped a pack of ramen noodles and feared getting caught. So he stole a family gun and his mom's SUV and took off for Mexico, or maybe Amsterdam, via my neighborhood.

And a technical note if you please: The first version of the Register story had the young man armed with a 40 mm handgun.  Bofor long, multiple layers of fact checking and editorial oversight  (which is to say a wry  reader comment) prompted a correction to .40 caliber. 


Tam said...

"Bofor long"


Ain't you 'shamed?

Jim said...

I gather your reaction is "ack!- ack!"

JohnW said...

I'm suddenly compelled to pull a paper bag over my head.

Jim said...

Don't be so pompompous.

JohnW said...

Now you're making me Madsen.

Jim said...

Didn't mean to get your Vickers in a wad.

JohnW said...

Well, my Vickers *are* in a quad, so belt up.

Jim said...

Man, you really call a Spad a Spad. I'll see your quad and raise you a Bofour.