Jul 15, 2011

Dear Guam: WTF?

Guam is again demanding reparations for atrocities committed against its Chamarro people in World War Two.

It wants the United States to cough up something like $14  $125 million to compensate for its suffering,  1942-1944. (Edit to fix error in cost estimate.)

Pardon me, but aren't you petitioning the wrong country,  Governor Calvo?

I know that Washington has more soft-hearted mush brains than Tokyo, but you're the one talking about "moral obligations," so why don't you go speak morally to Akihito? It was his daddy who condoned the torture. It was American daddies and granddaddies who bled on your soil to expel the Japs and restore your freedom; 1747 of them died.

I suppose Congress will eventually cave in. That's another reason why we'll continue to stay broke.


It isn't as though we Mainlanders are niggardly with any of our territories, but that's a topic for a separate essay.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Well, not to worry. With that money Guam will probably acquire more people, which will cause it to capsize and we'll be done with it.