Aug 8, 2011

Does Rick Perry read Mark Twain?

The Recording Angel enforces a powerful distinction between prayer venues.

Rick, I think the Angel will look favorably on your remark that we need help because government has proven it can't solve the problems government creates.

Other than that, you'll probably score poorly with all that arena praying for things to get better. It conflicts with secret supplications of the heart for things to get worse -- that they will get bad enough to sweep you into 1600 Transyl Pennsylvania.


Anonymous said...

Disclaimer: I am a native Texan and a fellow Aggie.

Having said that, one thing I pray for is not having to make a choice between Rick Perry and Barrack O'Bama. JAGSC

Jim said...

Gog and Magog.


Perry will be interesting at the Ames straw poll Saturday. He's not on the ballot because his candidacy is unofficial, but he has a cadre who say they'll make his presence felt. Write-ins are allowed, and even 3 or 4 per cent would attract attention.

Some insider chatter up here holds that he mostly wants to damage Michele to give himself a leg up among the relatively few evangelicals in New Hampshire and the gobs of them in South Carolina. Despite the embarassing Reliant meeting, he thinks he has enough conservative economic credentials to hold his own among the non-evangelical Tea Party folks.