Oct 24, 2012

A reporter discovers irony

In the village of Haverhill in the commune of Massachusetts,  police arrested a drug dealer. The local newspaper covered the bust in exhaustive detail -- really more than most folks would want to know about a hulking ex-con who discovered prosperity in peddling Oxycodone.

Hmmm.  Why the journalistic opus? It couldn't have been his $15,247 in cash the cops found. That's a pittance in his business. it must have been his EBT card (translation: food stamps) which he had used at a convenience store an hour before the bust.

Actually, I understand his viewpoint in not going home to pick up a little green to pay for his beer and Frito-Lays. Things just aren't safe in Massachusetts these days, and a  guy doesn't want to be carrying cash out on the mean streets. Too many druggies and ex-cons lurking the alleyways.

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