Oct 11, 2012

Maybe it's the long, dark nights

Sometimes when Sitemeter shows an unusual number of hits from an exotic locale, such as Norway, I look a little deeper. This time I found a half-dozen guys (I presume) hitting on May recently.

Of course it could be that some Norwegian social studies teacher assigned a class to look into racial relations in the United States.

Naah, probably  not. Most likely some randy little devil caught the old post by mistake and spread the word. Can't say I blame him. :)


Anonymous said...

And some of us from the more exotic locations (in my case Sweden) find your ponderings interesting and amusing and sometimes we just whant to look at May


Jim said...

Why, thank you Jonas. If you happen to catch me in a crude jibe about Scandanavians and other Europeans, please understand that I drink and dine with with a couple of Norwegians every Friday night and not even under duress. :)