Jan 14, 2009


That could be  African for "bon voyage."  
I'll be keeping track of my buddy's mission/safari through the new  travelblogue  -- "Wingshot in Africa" because when I go bird hunting with her (not nearly often enough) I get embarrassed. It's hard to play macho when the only pheasants to clean are hers.

Jan 13, 2009


St. Hoppen Change appointments:

Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner: Tax evader.

Commerce Secretary, Bill Richardson (withdrawn): Pay to play.

Chief Federal Efficiency Expert, Nancy Killifer: Tax evader (the dreaded nanny tax)

Secretary of State: Hillary Clinton: "We'll tell you what you need to know about Bill's Arab loot.  If you don't like it I'll cry and stamp my foot. "

Disclaimer for the TEs: They all claim they didn't know they were supposed to pay taxes. And they all did, in fact, cough  up, just as soon as they got caught.

Disclaimer for Richardson: "Who? Me?"

To be, with  only the slimmest doubt, continued.

Jan 12, 2009

Call it unresolved relative repugnance. What should be hated more?:

Evil 1: The spectre of JBTs coming around to collect the collection, certainly including the ~ .69 caliber 18th-Century boarding pistol. They can't legally do that yet.

Evil 2:  The JBLiteraryTs hijacking our language.  That's legal. Sarah's legions have convinced the media of the need to append "sniper rifle" to ".50 caliber." Always.

If we let them get away with that, we've lost a treasure, namely language as a device for sharing logical thought processes.

Arguably, all rifles are sniper rifles, but I won't debate that just now. The operative bitch here is the assault on American language.

National Day of Mourning

You have two days to sponge and press your black arm bands.

On January 14, 1985, the Beretta/Mattel handthing was officially adopted by the Bureaucracy in Charge of  Stuff for American Warriors.

It's at a site which should be censored due to a subversive suggestion we kowtowed to European political pressure to adopt their sub-calibre nincompoopery. The very idea!

Meanwhile, the 1911  of John Moses Browning  remains undead. Enough breeding stock graces the hands of the MEUs and other special forces to offer the possibility of repopulation.