Aug 20, 2009

DHA, fish oil, and American geniuses

High-level thinkers have ranked the states for braininess.

Washington, D.C. is included in the study and, lo, is the brainiest because Washingtonians eat lots of fish to achieve DHA-enanced status.

So ends my lifelong awed admiration of high-level thinkers.

DeeCee fish-oilers elected Eleanor Holmes Norton to Congress. Prosecution rests.

Aug 19, 2009

Trading with the Enemy

I'm invested in a company which just signed a hefty ($60 million-plus) contract to "upgrade" the California driving license process. The market hasn't reacted, and everyone is asking why.

Hell, it's obvious. California is going to pay us with warrants, bales of medical pot, and autographed pictures of Maria Shriver.

Aug 17, 2009

Trained Professional at Work

The sheriff of Polk County is very sorry that a departmental policy was "not well understood" and led to the wounding of a 3-year-old girl.

A deputy took his shiny cop car to a community gathering in a Des Moines park, threw open the doors, and invited all the little kids to crawl around in it. PR and community relations, dontcha know?

The sheriff said the deputy just didn't understand that leaving leaving a shell in the chamber of his racked shotgun, in plain view and easy reach of the tykes and pre-pubes, might be considered slightly stupid in addition to violating departmental policy.

I love it. Maybe it reads: "It is the policy of this department that no shotgun placed in the reach of tiny playful hands shall have a live round in the chamber."

Witnesses say the deputy was chatting with someone while a pre-teen boy was fooling with the gun just before the toddler fell. The boy disappeared. The toddler was not too badly hurt and is out of the hospital. The cop is on administrative suspension with pay. The sheriff is leaning toward lenience for Deputy Friendly because he's a "a very good employee; long-term, senior person, ... who feels terribly about what happened."

My butt hurts.

Aug 16, 2009

Obama's Grandma

A politician gets even more revolting when he hauls out personal tragedy to illustrate his Christ-like nature.

President Obama raises his Grandma Toot to prove he is too compassionate to back a health-care provision requiring "death panels." He says the death brought him searing pain. I believe him and empathize. However:

Item: No one believes, Sir, that you're backing unsubtle death panels as an immediate goal, so stop diddling the straw man, eh?

Item: To dip a maudlin toe into the story of your grandmother's death simply reminds us that you are credibly thought to believe euthanasia is useful economic tool, just one whose time has not yet come.

Item: Everyone understands you would oppose death panels for your loved ones. The question is, what might you do about ours? Rulers do tend to spare their own, don't they?

May I refer you to a Congress which finds itself horrified at the thought of having to live under the laws it passes for the peasantry. You have your boys on The Hill write themselves specifically in to your new health care scheme, and I'll rethink my opposition.