Nov 19, 2009

Unlicensed squeegees just suck.

I'm afraid I must insist

that you go immediately and read the work of the lady Kevin was quoting. (See previous post here.) Be certain to check the third comment on Patricia's spoof. It proves that P.J. O'Rourke, while correct, was too parochial when he wrote, "The defining trait of the American left is sanctimony." He should have added, "Canada's too."

A correct understanding

A direct steal from Kevin at The Smallest Minority,

"As Congressman Adam Putnam put it, governments only do two things well: nothing, and overreact. "

It's from his commentary on a letter in which a Canadian woman applauds the possible end of that country's long-gun registration system, but it has much wider application.

One of the more ignorant things we do is assume that governments are competent.

Nov 18, 2009

We Should Not Jail Levi Johnston

However if congress should pass and His Obamaness sign a law permitting Sarah, her husband, and her daughter, singly or in concert, to horse whip him to within an inch of his vainglorious life, I probably will somehow forget to rant against such an assault on the Constitution.