Dec 17, 2009

Theatrical hopes abandoned

I bit down too hard on an ill-popped kernel last week and crunched a canine, increasing my tattoo:tooth ratio. It had been questionable for a long time. The break and its aftermath were painless. I can still chew a three-dollar steak.

So I decided that since it's about time for a "Deliverance" remake, I should just call up a Hollywood agent and announce my availability to be one of the guys sittin' and whittlin' and spittin' while the banjo answers the guitar.

Then I decided naawww. Smilin' is too much fun. I see my dentist in an hour.

How regrettably bourgeois of me.

Dec 16, 2009

Evil Morning Growl

Hi, My name is Jim and I am a Mediacom customer.

This is the sixth day of either no email or squirrelly, as in delivery delays of up to 24 hours, total loss, duplicates, and bounceback of personal mail as spam.

This occurs after copious smiley-face announcements from Mediacom promising that transition to its new and improved email system would be like political ethics, that is, barely noticeable.

A Warm Morning Smile

Street demonstrations didn't impress me in the 60s and 70s, and they still don't. Cops beating on street protesters impress me even less. Still, I can't help grinning at this morning's AP headline from Copenhagen:

Climate talks deadlocked as clashes erupt outside

Gee, maybe Goreism isn't destined to be the universal religion of the future.

Dec 15, 2009

Australia Fair

Down Under has decided to go for it, purity in thought, deed, and download. Despite disarming every law-abiding citizen in the nation, the government remains fearful.

The Aussie feds announce this week that they will seek new laws requiring ISPs to block "harmful material. " So far -- and as far as the politicians down there admit -- the definition covers pretty much just child porn, violent sex, and details on how to do bad criminal things. (Say, adjust the sights on a Daisy Red Ryder?)

By natural authoritarian progression, the definition will expand to any internet statement disputing the official government position that government is not an ass.

Coincidentally, Aussie scientists have discovered a small octopus smart enough to drag two coconut half shells home and reassemble them into a nice hideout.

Next time Australia is looking for a leader, I suggest the octopus.