And maybe Lisa hasn't actually read the bill. She writes; "If signed, the bill would also allow Iowa gun owners to openly carry their weapons, carry long guns...
Which just isn't true. Open carry is a different subject in Iowa, covered under a different code section.
Also: "The National Rifle Association proposed the bill in an effort to have Iowa join the roughly 20* other states with “shall issue” laws.
No, Lisa. The NRA favored the bill, but many like it have been proposed for years. Your best reference here is probably Rep. Clel Baudler.
Parse that one for logic if you dare. Sheriff Pulkrabek, claiming to speak for all his colleagues, endorses the right to bear arms except that you can't actually bear them. Well, in your bedroom, maybe.
"Pulkrabek said he’s worried the new law would take away sheriffs’ discretion in issuing permits."
Yes sir. It would. That is precisely the point.
You might like to read the article and savor some other oddities of linear logic and the approach to reporting which is deemed acceptable at major universities these days.
EDIT: The actual number of shall-issue states, Lisa, is about 37, not 20. Let's hear it for multiple layers of fact checking and editorial oversight.