Jun 6, 2010

June 6, 1944

If you haven't already, now is a good time to turn your face toward Utah, Omaha,  Juno, Gold, and Sword. A nod of appreciation to some very determined men is in order.
The gulf oil blowout is a horrible thing,  but if it will help your local shriekers keep some perspective on things, tell them there are about 1.1 trillion gallons in a cubic mile.  The high estimate for the total oil leaked so far  is about 48 million gallons.

If they wont listen I suppose you could put your boot on their necks.

Jun 5, 2010

...perchance to dream

Much accomplished today, although I doubt reader interest in hearing about the toilet tank overhaul and accompanying carpentry, painting, and varnishing  in the literary alcove.

The .45 ACP project went well, and 190 fresh rounds nest in the SHTF locker.  I did decide on Unique -- a half-grain under the Lyman book maximum. It should give the 230s just under 900 fps and more than enough ooomph to cycle the Colt action.

Feeling green, of course, because reloading is recycling.


Fresh .45 fodder

The rain is putting my home improvement drive  on hold, so it's back to the loading shack. There's enough componentry on hand to build close to 200  .45 ACP rounds. About half of them will be 230-grain fmjs, the rest 200 grain cast semi-wadcutters.

A  conservative  (n)  grains of Unique has been  standard here for the 1911s, but  I've recently acquired a post-lawyered Colt Series 70 with that "accuracy" barrel bushing/collet.  The collet and heavy recoil spring create a stiff action, so I want  to  concoct a more authoritative load.

(There are four or five suitable pistol powders on hand, but somehow  I always seem to just tinker with the amount of Unique, and I suppose that will happen this time, too.  What the heck would we do without that powder?)