Aug 24, 2010

"Just a piece of paper"

Do you suppose Bush II actually said that?

Never mind. He's gone, replaced by worse.

I wonder what His Obamaness  will have  to  say in about three weeks -- on Sept. 17 --  in commemorating the  signing of the Constitution of the United States.  I'm pretty sure he regards it as a starting point for negotiating his ambitions, but of course he can't say that, can he?


A Republic, Sir, if you can keep it.

Save the MSM, keep pot illegal

1. Using pot is usually  one of the stupid things people do, and I personally oppose it.

2. This does not mean sucking a joint should be a matter of concern to our elected masters.

3. However, I must withdraw my endorsement of de-criminalizing pot use on grounds that it would destroy the news operation of a nearby radio station. The penny-ante pot busts are about all that happens within the station's reporting competence and/or journalistic ambitions

4. It is tempting to wheel out a line at the expense of the cops who  get off on issuing these breathless press releases every time they  find a kid with a baggie of ditch weed, but they are, in fact, doing what they're paid to do.

Aug 22, 2010

One shot

You begin with a  $30 junker, sound but showing the scud of a half-century living on spikes driven into the barn beams and rattling around in trunks.  Who knows what meals it put on a plank table? What thugs it deterred? It has earned its makeover.

Just a couple of hours later you have a nice, clean handigun with an ideal barrel -- just long enough to be legal, plenty short enough to annoy  Senator Harkin. The stock finish is Johnson's Paste Wax over the steel-wooled original. The metal  is tacticool, smoothed with  100 emery and coated with flat black Krylon. Okay, it is still a $30 gun, but it's a non-ugly $30 gun of greater usefulness than before. It will probably live semi-permanently in the F150, along with the Cattaraugus 2250, a handful of 00 buck, and a box of No. 4s.


We're amidst a summer that makes Papua New Guinea look arid, and it is trying to take its toll of  my knives, most of which live in a wood case in the loading shack.  I got tired of wiping them down daily and tried a coat of engine fogging oil from a spray can. It seems to be working excellently.

The stuff dries to a rather  stiff coat, so I would be reluctant to use it on the working parts of firearms unless I wanted to bench strip them when Autumn brings drier weather.