Apr 12, 2011

La Belle France

Just when things are going less horribly for the better  (I think) guys, the French foreign minister is telling NATO what a bad job it's doing running the Libya war. He is Alain Juppe. He may be best remembered as the politician convicted of felony theft of taxpayers' money.

NATO General Mark Van Uhm, a Hollander,  told him to bugger off. That counts as a score for the Dutch if you ask me.


Meanwhile, France and Britain are bickering about sending aid to alleviate the misery in Misrata. Wouldn't they just.  Five gets you ten the snit is about who tells Uncle Sam that he's expected to foot the bill.

Iowa Caucus Sidebar

The United States of America hasn't had an ugly president since Richard Nixon, and he got elected because his actual 1968 opponent was Abbie Hoffman, even uglier.

We've noticed that most of the GOP contenders infesting Iowa these days -- and all the faves -- are rather attractive people who look really nice on television, even Donald  Trump (Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your comb).

It's hard to be confident that a good result will follow electoral strategies derived from  What Not to Wear and recent advice from the Hair Club for Men and L'Oreal.

Apr 11, 2011

What gun for carp?

This is funny. Hoosiers in action.

The fantasy is inevitable.  I'm in the bow with a Mossy 500 and a case of 12 gauge No. 6's.  Hoosiers Tam, Roberta, and Brigid  man the rails for perimeter security, carry pieces at ready.


(Courtesy of  former-Hoosier John of the GMA)

The HMS Astute

Only men who sailed with the HMS Astute crew are qualified to say much about why Able Seaman Donovan cracked while in possession of the SR80. However:

You really shouldn't shoot your officers.  Sure, once in a dozen voyages you'll be thrown together with one who needs to be enlightened in a physical manner. You still shouldn't. It's prejudicial to good order and discipline.

I never did, but the tragedy aboard the hard-luck Astute reminds me  of Mr. Klem. I once promised myself that, when we were both civilians again, I would invite him  to  discuss his calling me a son-of-a bitch for correcting his line-of-position plot. Never did, but, Ensign Klem, if you happen to be reading...

(That's not to say I was totally revengeless. For the longest time I let him send his unedited course and speed recommendations to the bridge, hee hee. It is my understanding that this resulted in a number of discussions between the young NROTC officer and our captain.)