Mar 16, 2012

Looking for Boris Karloff

It's brightening a little now, but the first hour of daylight brought memories of   opening scenes in Isle of the Dead which I still consider the ultimate horror movie. I could see the three burr oak trees closest to my window -- about 20 yards. Beyond that was nothing, the kind of nothing harboring something horrible about to emerge, slimy, hungry, and not quite dead.

I thought of taking a picture for you but decided not to bother. What is the point of posting an 18 per cent gray card?

Mar 15, 2012

Advance Australia Fair

Roger. Wilco.

Language note

Pink slime is repulsive stuff they put in hamburger.

It is not the  MSNBC prime-time team.

But if you insist I'll try to be tolerant. After all, language is a living, growing gthing.

The ultimate question

The GOP governor is coming back to the neighborhood Saturday. He'll join our two local GOP legislators for "Eggs and Issues" -- one of those little confabs where the lawmakers try to persuade a skeptical dozen or so people that know WTF they're talking about. It's usually an informal thing with no ground rules other than common courtesy and a bit of Iowa nice.

But the governor is expected to be a big draw. Organizers booked a bigger room and limited attendance to 100 subjects.* They also changed the ground rules. Questions must be written.  The emcee will read them from the podium.

Leading to a pleasant little fantasy. I would write and slip into the middle of  stack, "Sir, why did you give such a bullshit answer to the last question?"

Update: Turns out there will be two meetings. The other one will admit 250.


*How's that for political savvy? They don't call it the stupid party for nothing.