It was time for a chore, pawing through the parts inventory of a deceased friend. Little on the planet will humiliate a man more. You amble through life thinking you're a pretty savvy firearms enthusiast. Then you start examining box after box and find you can confidently identify perhaps one part in 100. Toward the end you babble about whether this gizmo is for a Daisy Red Ryder or a Holland and Holland .577 Nitro Express.
I did okay on the .45 ACP stuff and actually carried away two projects. One is simple enough, a small tray of parts which I'll try to sell for the family. The other may constitute a career.
It appeared to be about three-fourths of an AMT-frame-based Colt Commander clone. I brought it home half-minded to try to sell it with the other parts, half-inclined to finish it up and buy it myself. That's still the unsettled state of my ambition, but the build is looking iffier and iffier.
The new aluminum frame is cut for a 4 1/4-inch barrel. The slide is a butchered reblue of an unmarked something for a 4 and 1/4 inch barrel. Among other issues, the slide safety cut is 1/8-inch to far aft, meaning the safety can be engaged only with the gun out of battery that much. Not to mention the the barrel is .38 Super and the slide .45.
If I decide to take on the project, I'll report the geekery with photos -- not in hopes of acquiring your admiration, merely to illustrate that there are still men who like to audition for the role of Sisyphus.
Advertisement: If any blog buddies are interested, the parts box holds a few GI:
triggers ... recoil spring plugs ... thumb safeties ... grip safeties ... and new Coltish checkered walnut grip panels. Also that barrel marked "Colt .38 Super Match" looking lightly used.
Pricing: Check Brownell's. Knock off 40 per cent. Add about $5 for the USPS. Pay by personal check made out to the family member, not me. Email me at -- alongfordmick aht yahoo daught kahm.
*Referring only to the Commanderish project, not the sainted JMB's concept and execution of the world's only really necessary center-fire handgun.