A good little boy around here is thinking hard about buying himself a Christmas present when Tom Eberle
auctions off bunch of lethal weapons (pdf) later this morning.
Who wouldn't want chance to augment his fantasy command to a full squad, just in case the captain orders him to take the MG42 nest from the Nazis, somewhere in France, 1944.
His current in-place TOE arms and equips only a scant fire team -- webbing and weapons for a private, a senior corporal. And himself, of course, a young but grizzled staff who left his carbine back in the foxhole to permit greater mobility as -- and we're talking Audie Murphy here -- he leads the charge with his 1911A.
Of course we'd wipe them out and earn two silver stars and The Medal, but a squad would be better, even if scant -- my vets plus a couple of peach fuzz draftees from the repple depple. I'd arm them myself with the Springfield Garand and Rockola carbine which lead off the rifle section in the sale bill.
N.B. -- Yeah, it's possible that I could expand my team to seven or eight with captured German, Frog, and Norwegian stuff, but that is not part of the fantasy which compels me to blow them away with Made in America.
We'll see what the disbursing officer thinks.
I'll try to log and post the prices, at least for the more interesting stuff. Beats working.