Jan 25, 2011

If you brought absolutely nothing to it, Obama's speech was a great one. He hit the buttons. It was inspirational and, just as his pre-address spinners promised, visionary.

If, on the other land, you listened with a bit of history in mind and a knack for translating poli-speak into English, you heard a call for a massive new public works program and tossing another few billions or trillions at the schools. You heard the patent absurdity that every American youngster "should have access to higher education."  Meaning, among other things, that decent plumbers, electricians, and carpenters will be even harder to find.

But at least he wants us to "invest" in high-speed rail. I didn't understand whether that comes before or after we rebuild our "crumbling" bridges which, as you'll recall from the news,  dump hundreds of Innocent Americans into our rivers and canyons every day.

More later, maybe. Right now I'm mostly inspired to get back to 1905 and see what else Bradley has to say about  The Imperial Cruise.

An excuse in advance

It's almost time, and I'm warming up my electric teevee for the big speech. In preparation I read the CNN preview and came across:

"It's very much a thematic, visionary speech," said the senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak more candidly ahead of Obama's address.

Translated to ordinary English,  this means the president hasn't much of a clue about what he will actually do.

... and you say tomahto

I was really pulling for the Illnois Supreme Court to stick it to Rham.  Now I'm not so sure.

Running second is Carol Mosley-Braun. That would be former Senator C.M-Braun, D-Nigeria. I can't think of another Chicago pol who makes Emanuel look so acceptable.

Let's call the whole thing off.


EDIT: (sigh) I just got called a racist for the NIgeria crack. Here's the reference,  Braun cluelessly schmoozing Abacha  and his kin.

Battle of the Goodbods

Michelle finally has her name up in lights. All America gazes at the marquee. "Bachman Rebuts!"

Meanwhile, Sarah reloads.

It's an American Idol spinoff. Swimsuit and complexion judges will be required to award the relatively elderly Mrs. Bachman an eight-year seniority handicap.

It's going to be a strange primary season.