Feb 24, 2011

A beloved nephew in the cattle forage hauling business has just displayed a picture of some animals waiting around to become hamburger.  This prompted a gunny thought.

Thanks to the Bernanke-Bush-Clinton-Obama high-speed presses, and to the ethanol/agribusiness welfare class, those poor beasts are full of seven-dollar corn and selling for around a buck-ten a pound, still ambulatory and including hooves and horns.  Who ever would have thought we'd see the day when you could swap a muddy steer for a mint Python and get change back?

Feb 23, 2011

Not that he gives a damn,

but I suppose we should inform His Obamaness that  we're all  pretty much aware of:

He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” – Article II, Section III.

Even if it is a a law of questionable constitutionality itself, like the DoM Act.

What is WRONG with you people?

Rahm has been mayor-elect for hours and hours, and I've yet to see a single zombie joke.

How hard can it be to polish up the theme:  "Chicago zombies are different. They don't need brains. Feed them a vote and they return to the grave for a full election cycle."

I'd do it myself myself except I hate zombie gags.
Steve Hoodjer's Iowa Freedom Report is now on the blog roll.

I don't know Steve, although our paths may have crossed at the '08 Republican convention.  (I was in a non-Iowa delegation, long story.)  He seems to be another recovering Republican. At least he's grumpily non-partisan enough for me, and his libertarian analyses should travel well, even outside the borders of Hawkeye land, into the less favored jurisdictions.