Feb 4, 2010

I have nothing against Amazon, nothing against humans living "the good life," nothing against most manifestations of advanced technology.

But when I see some of my fellow citizens deciding a snuggie for a Kindle should be valued at 12 hours of a hamburger flipper's gross pay, I decide some folks are beyond redemption by the wisdom of all mankind as it has been recorded for millenia -- Kindled or otherwise.


Captain Halitosis said...

My wife was recently invited to attend a Longaberger party. I agreed with enthusiasm as I have been trained to do. Curiosity got the best of me and I went online to see what treasures she might come home with. Longaberger sell decorative baskets. Little wooden berry baskets for $200 a pop! It is no wonder that little Ndugu looks at his fly-covered bowl of gruel and thinks, "Death to Amreeka!"

Anonymous said...

It must be pointed out that, as a Libertarian, you can have no animus toward the seller. In a free market, the seller can put whatever outrageous price he wants on the object. It is the dolt that pays the price that skews the market. Now, if you want outrage, look at the salaries of pro athletes, entertainers, etc. JAGSC

Jim said...

Appreciate the thought, My Dear, and should I ever acquire a Kindle, I will entertain your cozy bid. :)
Well spoken, Captain. I have spent much of my life among little Ndugju analogues and find the resentment profound. His hatred of our success extends to despising us for our charity, and for almost three generations this fact has created our largest problems in dealing with the rest of the world.

Which leads me to state agreement with Jags. I resent only that too few dolts are willing to pay the outrageous fees I would like to charge for +my+ services. :)

Anonymous said...

As a corollary to Captain's accurate comment, someone (memory fails) long ago made this assessment of America: "No one likes the richest kid on the block, even if he does give them some of his candy." Ouch! JAGSC