Feb 4, 2010

Kirk a doodle doo

In the AP lineup this morning is a story on Brown's official ascension to what was once an enemy outpost called the Kennedy Seat.

"Interim Sen. Paul Kirk, appointed by Patrick to temporarily fill the seat, plans a final speech on the Senate floor at about 3:45 p.m. to "discuss the urgent need to move beyond political polarization." (Emphasis added, emphatically).

What a difference a few months and one election make. You may recall that Governor Patrick and Senator Kirk led the Massachusetts legislature and bureaucracy into a n "emergency" (read panicked) revision of the Bay State laws and rules of procedure precisely to avoid moving beyond "political polarization."

Sure, it was predictable. So what? Must hypocisy be surprising in order to be held despicable?

There is one more predicable thing on tap. Senate Critter John Kerry, D-Mass., will, on the next close vote, demand Sen. Brown become "bi-partisan." Just like the said, sad, Sen. Kerry. And Kennedy, too, of course.

And if that ain't the by-Zeus truth I'll kiss your arse atop Desk #83 and give you time to fill the galleries and focus the C-Span cams.


Tam said...

But Chris Matthews said that Barry was the last surviving Kennedy brother!

Jim said...

That makes Chris a birther, doesn't it?