Feb 2, 2011

South Dakota: Turn 21 and buy a gun, or else

It's too bad they're not serious.  A legislative proposal would require every South Dakotan  to buy a gun  upon reaching the age of 21  1/2.

The weapon would need to be "sufficient to provide for (the citizen's) ordinary self-defense"

The  lawmakers are just funnin' with ya though. It's a spoof of the Obama health bill's requirement that you buy gummint-approved health insurance.
Funny that it happened there, however. In the first place, South Dakota is a peaceful place where about 99 per cent of the folks go about their daily lives with a mind set on cordiality, courtesy, and minding their own business. And enough of that group already carry guns to be a real moderating influence on the other 1 per cent.

So they probably don't need it as bad as Kennesaw did.


Anonymous said...

Most the time them guys and gals spend in Pierre (the state capitol) during the legislative session, they just screw around and don't get much good accomplished. but once in awhile some genius like this shows up! Yayyyy!

NotClauswitz said...

I liked the time I spent in Mitchell, SD.