Jul 6, 2011

Where's my sledge?

I don't know whether Casey Anthony killed her baby or not, but from more than a thousand miles away, I am inclined to give the jury the benefit of whatever doubt exists. (I think I read in Blackstone that I'm supposed to.)

As to the teevee personages, I find them guilty, en masse, of felonious overuse of the terms "stun," stunned" and "stunning" and sentence them to a non-methaphorical stunning.  


Anonymous said...

Another instance of talking heads ignoring "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" and screaming for a conviction because "we know she did it". She may well have, but the jury sat there and listened to the evidence presented to them, then honored their oath to make a decision based on that evidence, not on "we know she did it". I though O'Reilly was going to wet his pants last night. JAGSC

SpeakerTweaker said...

As to the teevee personages, I find them guilty, en masse, of felonious overuse of the terms "stun," stunned" and "stunning" and sentence them to a non-methaphorical stunning.

I'mma remember that one.
